Speak to us. We will try and find you a potential sponsor. We are always here to help and
will guide you through every step of the way.
I don’t understand how the process works, and what’s the point in setting up a personal sports fund?
We understand that this is something very different and are happy to patiently talk you
through every process. Any problems, email us and we will always pick up the phone and
speak to you or we can happily come along to training evenings and events etc. to speak to
you in person. The personal sports funds can help the cost of your child’s sport. Effectively,
the fund increases your money to spend on the sport or reduces how much everything
costs you by 18.75%!
We are a registered charity with the charities commission and HMRC. We have had to go
through a rigorous application procedure and must adhere to strict rules governing
charities. We also have knowledgeable and important people as our trustees to ensure the
charity is run well.
You may also speak to anyone involved with the charity or come to our head office. The
more people we can meet and get to know well the better!
Operating and running the Personal Sports Funds allows the charity to fulfil one of its goals
as a charity.
On receiving sponsored funds into the charity's bank account a 5% fee is administered to
help go towards the running of the charity and helps go towards supporting the charity's
other goals